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2019/11/14 1:31:34发布159次查看

  钢筋混凝土用隧道网片的技术性能和优点:<br />
  1、可以大量降低钢筋安装工时,比绑扎网少用工时50%--70%。<br />
  2、以较密的钢筋间距,焊接网的纵筋与横筋形成网状结构共同起粘结锚固作用,有利于防止混凝土裂缝的产生与发展,路面、地坪、楼面配置焊接网可减少混凝土表面龟裂75%左右。<br />
  steel mesh welding machine motor power, select synchronous control skills, sub-control welding and welding time are controlled by digital programming system, the input panel is touch screen or button, the operation is more intelligent, rational, and has a compression, graded the characteristics of welding, the welding power is electric, and the stepping motor drives the trolley to pull the net. both the warp and the weft are straightened and cut by the straightening intercepting machine, the vertical wire is placed manually, and the horizontal wire is actively dropped. the steel mesh welding machine is mainly used for the construction of steel mesh for pouring concrete for bridges, water conservancy, highways, national key projects, etc. the width of the welded wire is up to 2.5 meters, the length is up to 12 meters, and the welding diameter is 6mm~12mm.
  隧道焊接钢筋网片施工方案:<br />
  1、底层喷射混凝土厚度不得小于4cm。<br />
  2、钢筋网片随初喷面的起伏铺设,与受喷面的间隙不小于3cm,并与锚杆或其他固定装置联结牢固。<br />
  3、挂双层钢筋网时,第二层钢筋网要在第一层钢筋网被混凝土覆盖终凝后铺设。<br />
  4、钢筋网片搭接长度为1~2个网孔,采用焊接,允许误差为&plusmn;50mm.<br />
  5、挂网时有脱落的石块或混凝土块,被钢筋网卡住时,要及时清除。<br />
  6、焊工焊接时必须穿戴防护衣具,站在木板或其它绝缘物上。<br />
  7、电焊机线路和设备符合;一机一闸,一箱一保护。<br />
  the support of the underground tunnel has initial support and late support, of which initial support:<br />
  1. when the surrounding rock is in good condition, the simple rock bolting and anchoring support can be used when the surrounding rock is in good condition. the bolting and anchoring net support is to construct a certain length and distribution of anchor bolts and rock and soil in the rock and soil. cooperating to form a composite body, make up for the insufficient strength of the soil and exert the anchoring effect, so that the structural strength potential of the rock and soil body can be fully exerted to ensure the stability of the slope, and the steel mesh shotcrete is set on the slope surface to restrain the deformation of the slope surface. the role is to make the entire slope form a whole. <br />
  2. when the surrounding rock condition is not good, the steel arch support can be used when the surrounding rock condition is not good. steel arch support is a support measure for reinforcing underground works after forming steel. it adopts l, u, i-shaped steel and steel rails, steel pipes and other steel sections, and is processed into the required shape. the support measures for underground engineering are strengthened by integral installation or rod assembly. it can be combined with bolts, shotcrete and steel mesh to form a composite support. rigid steel arches and shrinkable steel arches have two types of real-time strength and rigidity, which can control excessive deformation of surrounding rock, but the cost is high, and the dimensional accuracy of excavation sections is strict. this method is mainly used in the construction of shallow, buried, extremely short-term surrounding rock and loose, broken, gushing, and expansive rock. 小型钢筋网片焊接机
  application of steel mesh in bridge engineering<br />
  it is mainly used for bridge deck pavement of municipal bridges and highway bridges, renovation of old bridge decks, crack prevention of bridge piers, etc. through the quality inspection of thousands of bridge application projects in china, it is shown that the quality of the deck pavement layer is improved by welding net, the qualification rate of the protective layer is over 97%, the flatness of the bridge deck is improved, the bridge deck is almost free of cracks, and the paving speed is improved. more than 50%, reducing the cost of bridge deck paving works by about 10%. the steel mesh of the deck pavement layer shall be welded mesh or pre-cooled rolled ribbed steel mesh. it is not advisable to use a reinforced mesh. the diameter and spacing of the steel mesh for bridge deck pavement shall be determined according to the bridge structure and load grade. the spacing of the steel mesh can be 100-200mm, and the diameter should be 6-100mm. the longitudinal and transverse directions of the steel mesh should be equal spacing, and the thickness of the protective layer from the top of the welded mesh should not be less than 20mm. 自动型钢筋网片焊接机生产厂家
  steel mesh construction<br />
  before the hole is processed into a large piece suitable for construction, after the anchor is applied, the steel mesh is paved. the steel mesh processed into a piece outside the hole should be attached to the initial spray surface with high height, and the shallow hole is punched with the impact hole. buried expansion bolts, the steel mesh is fixed on the bolts, welded to the tail of the anchor rod, and fixed firmly.
  在各类隧道施工过程中,对于坚硬稳固的围岩,开挖成洞后其强度足以承受重分布后的应力,因而不致失稳。但对于破碎、软弱围岩,开挖后随着暴露时间的增加,变形随着发展,就会造成失稳。尤其是在隧道拱部、洞口、交叉洞以及围岩呈大面积平板状且结构面发达的部位,更易失稳。 为了有效地约束和控制围岩的变形,增强围岩的稳定性,防止塌方,保证施工和运营作业的安全,需要及时的进行钢筋网片挂网喷砼支护。<br />
  1、焊接变压器采用可调控多级变压器,用户可根据生产需求,对变压器进行控压调整,实现不同丝径焊接,扩大机器使用范围。<br />
  2、拉网系统,采用动力强劲的伺服电机控制拉网,拉网网格精准,网面平整。并配备自动剪网设备,可自动剪切网片,自动堆叠,无需人工介入。或可自动卷网,根据需求预定。<br />



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